Monday, March 23, 2009

Keeping our eyes on the prize

I think the weight-loss journey is kind of like a roller coaster - sometimes it's easy to handle, sometimes it's hard, sometimes you can see the next twist or turn before hand, and sometimes you can't. It's not always simpler to stay motivated through all the trials and tribulations of slimming down, but I've always found that having a clear and important goal in mind makes it a lot easier.

Why do you want to lose weight? For your health? For your physical fitness? Maybe vanity is your biggest motivator - it was, and is, for me. Perhaps a combination of these and other reasons is what finally drove you do decide, "now is the time to lose the fat."

Notice this has little to do with what others want - "the doctor wants me to lose weight" isn't enough. If the doctor told you to lose weight for your health, and you want to be healthier, focus on that: "MY weight is unhealthy, and I want to lose weight for MY health." Now, I'm not saying that what other people want isn't important, because it sure can be. But what the doctor wants - or what your spouse, sibling, friend, child, coworker, or anyone else wants - is nowhere near as important is what YOU want.

So, now that we have a "ME-centric goal" (I want to lose weight because _________ ), let's visualize it. What does "slimmer you" look like? What can "skinny you" do that you can't do now? Make this visualization as detailed and vivid as possible.

If you want this goal enough, if your visualization is powerful enough, this can be a great tool to help you overcome temptation. Think about what "slimmer you" looks like, and then ask yourself whether what you're eating is helping or hurting your efforts. I think you'll be amazed at hope much this exercise, with your new clear goal in mind, helps you keep your eye on the prize.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! Fun to read, great support photos, inspirational and informative. Thanks.
